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Y O U R   I N V I T A T I O N   T O   T H E

M A S T E R M I N D 

The perfect place to be in a community of trusted senior peers sharing wisdom, real stories and camaraderie.


What if leading didn’t have to feel so lonely?

  • Imagine what it would be like to have your very own board of directors who backed you all the way!
  • Imagine you had a community that helped you unwrap that gnarly problem that keeps you awake at night.
  • And this community had a wealth of wisdom and experience that they would generously share with you.

If that’s what you’ve been longing for – and didn’t even realise - for then this Mastermind is just for you!

Calm beach scenery with the sun setting, birds flying, and a lighthouse in view.

A spot is just for you if…

  • You hold a senior position in an organisation or charity
  • You feel alone in your challenges and want to be able to talk these through in a judgment free zone
  • You want a space where you feel listened to and understood
  • You want an extended network of people you can trust
W H A T  O T H E R S  A R E  S A Y I N G

"Participating in this mastermind is a powerful antidote to the loneliness of leadership."


So often, the crucible of leadership is based in illusion: the illusion that we are alone, that our challenges are uniquely our own, that no one can understand what we are going through. Maybe we intellectually realize this isn't true, but we don't feel it to be the case. Getting to participate in Catherine's Mastermind group was such a powerful antidote to that loneliness—a chance to feel seen and understood, as well as see myself in others. Really wonderful and empowering experience all around.


F I N N E G A N   S H E P A R D // Founder & CEO

As a member the Mastermind, here’s what you can expect: 

  • One monthly call (2 hours) with 4-5 other leaders in similar positions to you
  • An opportunity in each call to bring a challenge you are facing, and get your time in the hot-seat
  • In the hot-seat, you share your challenge, then receive the insights, thoughts, and the experiences of others. (You define what kind of support you need)
  • You commit to an action and we will help hold you to account
  • The opportunity to share your wisdom and experience with others, and to learn by listening to others challenges
  • To be part of a carefully curated community of 8-10 people at a similar position to you in different sectors
Pack of three white wolves on top of rocky boulders.

As a member the Safe Space Squad, here’s what you can expect: 

  • One monthly call (2 hours) with 4-5 other leaders in similar positions to you
  • An opportunity in each call to bring a challenge you are facing, and get your time in the hot-seat
  • In the hot-seat, you share your challenge, then receive the insights, thoughts, and the experiences of others. (You define what kind of support you need)
  • You commit to an action and we will help hold you to account
  • The opportunity to share your wisdom and experience with others, and to learn by listening to others challenges
  • To be part of a carefully curated community of 4 people at a similar position to you in different sectors
W H A T   W E   B E L I E V E

"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."


R U D Y A R D   K I P L I N G

Here’s my ask of you:

  • You commit to a season of the mastermind and make every attempt to show up. The groups are kept small and it’s noticeable when people can’t make it.
  • You are willing to co-create the space that works for all of us. I will facilitate this, make sure we are on time and dates are in diaries. But the magic happens when we all show up with passions, frustrations and vulnerabilities.  
Catherine with arms crossed smiling directly at the camera.

When does this start?

This season will run from January 2024 to December 2024 with two months off over summer. 

That’s 9 sessions in total. 

Catherine leaning against a brick wall.

H E Y   T H E R E

I'm Catherine

I’m a certified executive coach, podcast host and mojo wing woman for ambitious and pragmatic professionals.

I’ve had several leadership positions in my 25-year career. I had no training or coaching to support me. And like you, few people who ‘got it’ who were in my inner circle.

And without the support, I made some monumental misjudgements.

Skin crawling stuff.

Here’s a few things that might have gone differently if I had my ‘crew’ to advise and guide:

  • Responded differently when my conference presentation got hijacked by a misogynist co-presenter. I co-presented with a man who hijacked the presentation adding pictures of bikinis and sexist jokes into deck. First time I saw this was as we presented. I was so angry but didn’t know how to raise this with him or others around me for support. 
  • Flew solo on my decision making. I created my first annual strategy all on my own – with no team involvement. As it turned out, it wasn’t a crisis but I completely missed the opportunity to leverage the power of a team. 
  • Told a very senior leader that he was wrong in public. I was right on the point, and so very horribly wrong in the execution. Stakeholder relationships require nuance I didn’t understand.   

My leadership journey has been one of stumbling in the dark whilst throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

Messy and surprising.

Let YOUR experience in leadership be one filled with support, confidence and encouragement.

What is a mastermind?

Masterminds – I'm calling this one the Safe Space Squad - are for groups of individuals with like-minded goals that help each other achieve them. The benefits of a being part of a mastermind are many:

  • a place to tap into support, advice and celebration
  • grow your skills by learning from others in the group with different experiences and skills
  • a place to brainstorm and get different perspectives
  • and leverage the power of the network.
W H A T  O T H E R S  A R E  S A Y I N G

"These mastermind connections will be added to my life-time alumni."


I shared a house at uni with a lawyer, engineer, archaeologist, fine artist and a Mac Donald’s store manager. I learnt more from my house mates about life, relationships, myself and the person I might want to be than any of my studies. Catherine’s Mastermind was like getting my uni mates together again and letting them loose in my head. Challenging, diverse, compassionate and sometimes a bit of a riot. We’ve not yet met in person but I suspect some of the connections made will add to my life-time alumni.


S T E V E N   W R I T E R - M A G U I R E // Director

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Enrol today!

P A Y M E N T   O P T I O N S

Charities & Start-ups

ÂŁ2900 + VAT

One-time payment


Established Corporates

ÂŁ4200 + VAT

One-time payment



  • 9 x 2 hour carefully curated virtual calls with your fellow masterminders
  • 1x surprise session with a guest speaker per quarter
  • A pre-kick off call to get to know each other
  • Content and support to help you know how to prepare and get the most of the sessions
  • A 1x 1:1 coaching session to be used in 2024 whenever you want/need it
  • You have unlimited access to me via email and short phone calls throughout this time. 

Here’s some questions that get asked about this program: